07 January 2024: A letter to your future self
1/7/20241 min read
Letter to my future self
The most important exercise I do at the beginning of every year is to visualize how I would have ended this year and where I would be standing. So, let’s begin.
1. Find your inner haven
Grab a pen and paper or a diary. Head outdoors to a park/garden wherever your safe haven is. Once you have found that, relax yourself to the very best. Leave any stress or worries behind for a while. (Pro tip: Music works too.)
2. Go deep within
This is best done with eyes closed, so if possible, lie down. Now, visualize everything that you would like to see in yourself next year. What goals have you been able to achieve, and, most importantly, assess how you feel upon completing them. Examine every single aspect of your life: relationships, career, hobbies, and health. Be specific in each area.
For example, envision yourself losing 5 kg of excess weight by consistently going to the gym and paying attention to your diet.
3. Write the bullets
After you return, it’s time to jot down the pieces into short bullet points. Now, since memories can be fleeting, be prompt in jotting down your insights in the style of a news reporter.
4. Writing down the letter.
Now, that you everything, it’s time to begin writing the letter.
Start with your own priorities. Write them down in the present tense, and include how you feel having accomplished them. Example could be: I have successfully ran a marathon in record time and I feel energetic and committed to run more. Moreover, try adding details about the bottlenecks you were able to overcome and elaborate on what has changed in one year.
Pro tip: I use email and schedule it for 1st Jan 20XX.