15 September 2024: Let’s talk about money

9/15/20241 min read

I just finished an intensive course on money. It was a three-day long online seminar.

And it totally changes my perspective. Here is just a small practice you could do to instill new beliefs regarding money.

My favourite quote from Eker

“How you do anything is how you do everything.”

T. Harv Eker, author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, provides a simple yet powerful 4-step approach to applying new beliefs that can shift your life trajectory.

1. Awareness

The first step is becoming aware of your current beliefs, especially those that limit your potential. Acknowledge that they exist and identify how they might be holding you back.

Write them down

2. Understanding

Next, seek to understand where these beliefs come from. Often, they are formed in childhood or shaped by societal influences. Understanding their origin helps you separate them from your current reality.

Write how it affected your life

3. Disassociation

Can you see this way of being is only what you have learned from others but isn’t you?

Write down the differences

4. Declaration

Declare your new belief with confidence. Speak it into existence, whether through affirmations, journaling, or sharing it with others. The more you declare it, the stronger it becomes.

Instill new belief by writing contrary words

Try it this week and watch how it changes your belief system.